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Paddleball vs Pickleball: The Same Or Different?

Published on: November 2, 2023

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paddleball vs pickleball

With pickleball soaring in popularity across North America, you might be wondering what makes this sport different from other racket sports, such as its close relative paddleball.

Now while these two sports share many similarities, they also each have their own distinct characteristics that make them truly unique.

In this blog, we’ll give you the full breakdown of paddleball vs pickleball, including what makes them both so similar, yet different at the same time.

Sit back and enjoy!

What Is Pickleball?


Pickleball was invented in 1965 as a children’s backyard game that combines elements of tennis, ping pong, and badminton. At first, pickleball was played using ping pong paddles that volleyed a wiffle-ball over a 60 inch badminton net. Eventually, the net was lowered down to 36 inches at the sideline and 34 inches at the center, and slightly larger pickleball paddles were invented.

Fast forward to today, pickleball is played either in singles or doubles on a court that resembles a
tennis court, but is much smaller. Players hit a plastic ball, similar to a wiffle-ball, over the net until one side is unable to return the ball or commits a fault.

In 2022, pickleball became the
fastest growing sport in the United States and was named the official state sport of Washington. In fact, there’s even a national pickleball day, which is is celebrated each year in the US on August 8th.

What Is Paddleball?


There are two main types of paddleball, one wall paddleball and four wall paddleball. Although the origins of one wall paddleball isn’t exactly clear, it was said to have been invented before World War I as a variation of handball. The players would use paddles instead of their hands to protect them from getting hurt.

Four wall paddleball’s origins are a little more well-known and was invented in the 1930’s by Earl Riskey, a physical education teacher, at the University of Michigan.

One Wall Paddleball vs Four Wall Paddleball

If you couldn’t already guess, the main difference between one wall paddle ball and four wall paddleball is the numbers of walls the game is played against. One wall paddleball is played in against a single wall, whereas four wall paddleball is played against four walls. In both variations of the game, the objective of the sport is for players to hit a small rubber ball against the wall(s), and keep it in play for as long as possible (think very similar to squash).

Now that we know a little bit more about what each sport entails, let’s look at how they’re similar.

Paddleball vs Pickleball: Similarities

Pickleball and paddleball both require very similar skill sets. As both sports involve using a paddle and hitting a ball, players must work on proper technique, hand-eye conditioning, and footwork. The paddles used in both sportsl are also more or less the same. Unlike tennis, they aren’t string-faced, and instead have a flat, round face with a short handle.

In terms of gameplay, both pickleball and paddleball also incorporate a good mix of
power and spin shots.

Paddleball vs Pickleball: The Differences

Here are the main differences you need to know when it comes to paddeball vs pickleball:

Court Size And Netting

Pickleball is played on a 20-ft wide by 40-ft long court, whereas paddleball courts are 20-ft wide and 50-ft long. In addition, one of the most visible differences between paddleball and other racket sports is that the game is not played with any net.


Pickleball Ball vs. Paddleball Ball

The plastic balls used in pickleball, are similar to a wiffle ball, and are much less bouncy than the rubber ball used in paddleball. Paddleball uses a small, unpressurized rubber ball which allows for a much faster gameplay.

Pickleball Paddle vs Paddleball Paddle

As mentioned above, for the most part, the paddles in both sports are quite similar. However, paddleball paddles usually have holes on the face to minimize wind resistance, as well as include additional grip features.

The Scoring System & Rules

Pickleball games are generally played to 11 and you must win by 2 points, whereas paddleball games are generally played to 21 points. The serves between the two are also quite different. In pickleball, players must serve diagonally to their opponent and underhand. In paddleball, serves are performed against a wall and are performed overhand. This means paddleball serves usually require more technical skill to perform than in pickleball.

When it comes to rules, pickleball has a few unique ones that are not seen in paddleball, or in any other racket sport for that matter. These include the
kitchen rule and the double bounce rule.

Which One Is For You?


Ultimately, the choice between paddleball vs pickleball depends on your personal preferences and playing style. Both sports are exciting variations that you’ll likely enjoy. It doesn’t hurt to give both a try!

So get out there, and keep on pickling 🙂


Is there a difference between paddleball vs pickleball?

While both paddleball and pickleball share close similarities, they do also have key differences that makes each sport unique, such as court size, equipment, and scoring.

How do you play paddleball?

One wall paddleball is played against a single wall and four wall paddleball is played against four walls. In both versions of the sport, the objective of the game is to hit a smaller rubber ball against the wall(s) and keep it in play for as long as possible.

Want to learn more about Pickleball?

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